File Size
Creative file size must be 150KB or smaller – this applies to both first- and third-party ads.
General Specifications
The following specifications apply to all display ads in the Keynes Digital engine:
- Creative images must be clear, recognizable, and relevant; text appearing in the ad must be legible
- Creatives must occupy the entire space of the image size you’ve chosen
- Creatives cannot appear sideways or upside down
- Creatives cannot be segmented, contain multiple copies of themselves within the ad, or otherwise appear to be more than one ad
- Creatives with partially black or white backgrounds must include a visible border of a contrasting color to the majority background color of the ad.
- Creatives with partially black or white backgrounds must include a visible border of a contrasting color to the majority background color of the ad.
- Creatives must open a new page on click; they cannot open in the same page.
- Animated ads are restricted to a maximum of 15 seconds of looping, after which point they must remain static.
- Ads must include the play, pause, mute and unmute controls.