Channeling Success: Mastering Ad Tracking on Streaming TV

Channeling Success: Mastering Ad Tracking on Streaming TV

Channeling Success: Mastering Ad Tracking on Streaming TV 2240 1260 Keynes Digital

Understanding viewership dynamics is crucial for advertisers. In an interview with The Current (full article here), Dan Larkman, founder and CEO of Keynes Digital, delves into the streaming industry’s impact on advertising strategies. 

Here are some key takeaways:

Audience Precision

The industry is now all about targeting high-intent users and using their interests and behaviors for more effective ad placements.

Programmatic Advantage

Why not use programmatic TV to customize ads to fit people’s tastes and easily track how they’re doing? Connected TV (CTV) lets us do that by using real-time data to aim ads precisely.

Adaptability in Fragmented Markets

With viewers scattered across streaming services, advertisers should jump on board and use cross-platform tactics to keep them hooked and loyal.

Sports Content Opportunities

Sports still pull in big crowds on streaming platforms, making it a prime chance for advertisers to reach die-hard fans. It’s a hot spot for boosting brand visibility and scoring conversions.

“With connected TV, it’s more of a pinpoint. You might get different ads than what I get, and it’s more trackable.”Dan Larkman

To really hit the mark with TV ads, focus on your audience first, dive into programmatic advertising, and roll with the changes in viewer habits. That’s how you’ll truly see the value of your campaigns.

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